10 October 2010

Another New ACEO based on Sculpture

another new ACEO ink and watercolor
Based on an old 5 inch x 7 inch relief bronze plaque I created in 1991


An old 4 x 6 ink and watercolor from 2001

Floating Polyps

This is a very new colored pencil on bristol paper (6 inches x 6 inches)
It is an alien landscape of growing bubbles or polyps near a liquid shore.
I sent the trimmed original to a friend as a mix CD cover! top picture

Yet another semi-abstract ACEO

This one just happened.
When I originally drew it, I knew exactly what colors were needed.

remember: ACEO is "Art Cards Editions & Originals" and the only rule is:
2.5 inches x 3.5 inches (the same size as a baseball card)


I made this way back in college days. 1982 I was very interested in Philip Guston's work and especially his changes in style. To me he was like the David Bowie of fine art. I painted this on paper 46 inches x 62 inches (Approx 4 feet x 5 feet) with acrylicl gesso and cheap tempera paints. I signed it " Ralf Guston"
What a weirdo. I haven't tried to search yet, but I believe this is based on one of his actual paintings, probably titled; "Book, Bulb, Bottle and Brush"

Another Abstract ACEO

(c)2010 Ralf Schulze
This started out as a test paper for the watercolor for my older ACEOs (scroll down!) but when I showed the actual Set of ACEOs to my friends, they really liked this one. I added to it since then: additional ink and color pencil but the original watercolor is still there.
(1-2-2012) Gave this to my Mother!