Thanks for Looking at my revamped artblog. For more than 4 1/2 months I've been pretty good at posting a piece of my art every day. It has been fun and a challenge too.
This will still be a place for me to post only my art. But I can't do it every day anymore. My work schedule and time constraints have increased lately and I will now just try to post 3 posts per week.
But there are a few cool changes to the blog:
- If you scroll down on the right you can signup to get an email every time I post something new!
- Near that, there is a video thing where you can watch my youTube videos.
I hope that you will keep looking at my stuff. I do not make a living off my art, but if you are interested in
anything you see and want to make an offer, please don't hesitate!
(c)2011 Ralf Schulze |
This is a "mash-up" of two of my images, that seemed to go together!
One of the images is the previous post!